Well, I went out and did my boot camp tonight. It was good, we did a lot of core and leg workout today, squats and lunges, crunches and bridges and pushups oh my!
While doing the pushups and bridges I noticed that my bad shoulder felt different tonight. It didn’t really hurt more or less. It didn’t really feel wrong or right. It just felt different. After a couple of the exercises I started to feel my shoulder to see why it felt so different. Turns out, I have muscle up there now. That’s why it feels different. Seems to be helping things a bit. So I need to continue with this and try to continue to rebuild the muscle up there to get stability there again. Looking good!
After boot camp, a friend and I headed out and went for a run (since I didn’t get up and run this morning [bad Steve!]) up and down the TC Jester trail a bit. Was good, although my legs were pretty trashed from the working out, so the run/walk was about 45 minutes. 3/4 of the distance was ran, the rest was walking so it wasn’t too bad.
So it was a good day working out after a rough start and will be continuing to be good from here on out.
No Excuses!
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