Today’s run was not too bad for a run. Well, yes and no. The running part of it was not great. But it was fun in the rain. It wasn’t raining too hard, just kind of misting which was kind of nice.
So, I did the 3ish miles in about 31minutes, which was slow and painful. I had to walk a bit because of side stitches and my left leg started to feel like it was going numb towards last third of the run. So slowed down and walked quite a bit.
But, really didn’t mind too much because walking/running in the rain is enjoyable. No puddles to splash the cars with though, maybe tomorrow!
I have decided that my brain likes to walk around a bit too while I’m out there. Just start thinking random thoughts, some good, some bad, but does indeed help to decompress from the day especially after a long day.
But day two is done and I’m good to go for number three!
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