Boot Camp

Last week while running with a friend we ran into the instructor of a boot camp session at Memorial Park.  We got to talking and he invited us to come join one night, so we decided to do it the next Monday (last night.)

We got there early to do a nice easy warm up […]

Memorial to Addicks Dam and Back

So I was in need of a long bike ride, and someone made mention on Friday about starting at Memorial Park and going West to Addicks dam.  And I thought that was a grand idea, so I made it happen.

I had a vague idea of what I was doing.  And at 7am Sunday I […]

Wednesday Night’s Run.

So tonight I was suppose to run with one friend, but something came up and she had to bail… So I managed to find someone else to run with tonight.  And it was all good.

It was just the three mile loop at Memorial Park, plus about another quarter-half mile getting too and from there. […]

Falling Behind on Posting!

Yes, I’ve fallen behind here a bit.  I’ve not been slacking off! Honest!

Saturday, I ran 3ish miles at Memorial Park, and it was good, a bit faster than I’m use to, but was running with someone who is much faster than me so her speeding me up was a good thing… But it was […]

Silly GPS!

So, I cleaned up my T6c, and got it all ready for my run today.  Everything was ready to work right off the bat.  I changed the screen to the display I wanted, it started looking for the HRM, found… I turn on the GPS pod, it finds it no problem! Sweet! Everything is synced […]