Coming Back!

Hey hey hey… (Always reminds me of Fat Albert)

So here it is, many many many months since I last posted.  There have been some ups and a whole lot of downs since then, mostly why I have not posted.  But things are slowly creeping their way back up again.  I have been back to […]

Biking – Good and Bad

So I’ve been putting time in on the bike.  Doing the Shiner GASP in May has got me a bit motivated which is good.  I’ve been using my mountain bike lately because I need repairs on the road bike which I can’t really afford right now.  And unfortunately turns out the mountain bike needs some […]

I’m still here…

Don’t know if anyone really reads this, but I am still here. 

I was kind of down and out with a sickness the last two weeks.  But I’m getting back into the swing of things now. 

Yesterday I realized I have less than ten weeks left before Shiner GASP (a 100 mile bike ride from […]

Still Struggling

There hasn’t been much to post about lately.  I’ve been on the bike a couple of times, but that’s about it.  Still struggling with my bad eating habits as they go down hill as well still. 

Trying to dig myself out of this whole I seem to be burying myself in.  Probably won’t be posting […]

Rough Week – Hard Times to Come

Here it is Friday around noon.  I’ve not run at all this week.  So the goal for this week is not going to be met.  I’m OK with that.  I’ve stepped back and noticed some other things that need to be paid attention to right now.

Running isn’t one of my favorite things. I need […]