Running Pains, Asthma and Pacing Issues

I woke up Wednesday and my legs were really feeling the running from Monday and Tuesday, so I decided to call it a rest day.  My calves, shins and quads were all super tight, and quads were a bit sore.  Since the major goal of 2011 is no injuries I won’t go for a run if my legs are already hurting or are super stiff, as I’m kind of prone to running injuries.  Better to take a rest day and be able to run tomorrow than to run today and not be able to run for a week or two. 

I then made the plan to wake up Thursday and go for a run in the morning.  I use to be a super early morning person, but not sure what happened as I really have been struggling the last year to wake up at all in the mornings.  Is it age? Change in diet? Change of stress levels? I don’t know, but I’m going to get my morning workouts back! And yes. I woke up Thursday morning at 4:45am, ready to go, the alarm went off and I was ready.  But again, my legs weren’t so happy with that idea.  So I decided I would run after work instead.  But I didn’t go back to sleep.  I need to get use to this waking up early thing, so I stayed awake and puttered around the house to keep myself awake and get ready for the day.

After work I did run.  My legs were feeling a bit better, just a bit heavy at this point, but better.  I headed out to Memorial Park and headed out for the run.  I did the three miles in just over 27 minutes.  Still really slow for me.  But there was lots of walking involved, which means I was probably starting off way too fast, since it’s just over 9 minute miles with long walking periods mixed in.  I need to get better at pacing myself, more on this in a bit.  I also started to have some breathing issues.  It was hard to breath out there for some reason, and it’s been a long time since I’ve had asthma issues while running. 

I’ve had asthma since I was two.  Before it was cool to have it, I’m a trend setter like that you know?  And I never had a daily medicine, just emergency inhalers growing up.  Several years ago, I got put on some daily meds and it helped quite a bit, but I stopped with it last year due to needing new prescriptions and needing to find a new doctor.  Unfortunately, my current medical insurance really sucks and so it’s expensive to go to doctors and such. But I know if I want to make the most of this athletic stuff, I really need to get my lungs under control.  So, I will be looking for a good doctor for that, and see what I can do to get all that dealt with.

After the run, I was still having some breathing issues and coughing a bit.  Today, I wake up in a similar state, and I’m now worried I’m getting sick.  Hopefully I can fend this off quickly and keep moving forward.

Back to the pacing issues.  From the people that I know, it seems like when they are running, they find a groove and just start running with it, and know what their pace is.  Everyone has a built in metronome I believe.  This allows them to keep beat with songs, create new beats, etc.  I have a broken one.  I struggle to keep beat in songs, which made it very hard for me to dance, but also makes it hard for me to keep a steady cadence when running and biking.  Because of this, I wear myself out faster than I should.  I start off too fast, too slow, change pace, speed up, slow down, all the while trying to find that sweet spot where I can just go forever.  

When I was really consistently training I was closer to having it figured out, but after a couple of years of no consistent training, I’ve totally lost my cadence keeper.  Now I am struggling to refind it, which is why I think I also don’t like running.  It just wears me out too fast.  I think if I can find my pace, I can then not worry about what’s going on and just get into a zone and go.  Yes. I think this is why I don’t like running.  

But enough of that, and this morning I woke up feeling not too bad. I probably could have gone for a run but had to get to work early since I’m leaving work early to go camping this weekend.  So, I don’t see myself hitting my 5 runs this week, but I’m OK with that.  It’s an over all goal of 2011, not a goal of the first week of the new year!  As long as I can mange to hit that goal for the majority of the year, it will be a successful year for this goal.

Running and the Rain

Today’s run was not too bad for a run.  Well, yes and no.  The running part of it was not great.  But it was fun in the rain.  It wasn’t raining too hard, just kind of misting which was kind of nice.

So, I did the 3ish miles in about 31minutes, which was slow and painful.  I had to walk a bit because of side stitches and my left leg started to feel like it was going numb towards last third of the run.  So slowed down and walked quite a bit.

But, really didn’t mind too much because walking/running in the rain is enjoyable.  No puddles to splash the cars with though, maybe tomorrow!

I have decided that my brain likes to walk around a bit too while I’m out there.  Just start thinking random thoughts, some good, some bad, but does indeed help to decompress from the day especially after a long day.

But day two is done and I’m good to go for number three!

First Run of 2011!

Well the first run of 2011 is now done!  And I’m glad since it was not fun at all!  But I met the first goal of 3 miles (3.04 to be approximately exactish.)

I’ve not run since the beginning of December, and it showed.  I sat around gained weight, lost fitness and it showed. Bad.  I couldn’t complete the full 3 mile loop at Memorial Park running.  I had to walk a little bit which I didn’t like at all.  But oh well, I’m back at it and getting into the swing of things once again. I’m sure that as I do more and try to keep the goal of 3 miles (at least) five times a week (at least) I will be back to where I was in no time.

So today I didn’t have auto lap on so don’t know my mile splits, but it was the 3.04 miles in 28:59.  I guess it’s not too horrible considering I had to walk several times.

Anyways, that’s it for today, check back tomorrow to see if I’m still alive!

Goals for 2011

So 2011 has started.  And I needed some goals to kick my rear in gear.

Sure I have another silly little race planned (Ironman Texas) but that won’t really do it for me as we can see from my last little attempt at a silly little race.  So, I decided that 2011 will be the year I run.  My goal is to run three miles, five times a week at least.  This will hopefully help my running a lot and get me where I really want to be with it.  Which is the ability to just go out and go for a 15 mile run without thinking about it.

So, the first run will be today after work.  My first run in about a month as well since my knee started bothering me, so will have to be careful that it is back to being healthy as the other goal, which is the same as my 2010 one (which I made!) is no serious injuries.  A serious injury will be defined as keeping me from being able to do anything for more than 1-2 weeks.

I think I need another race goal for towards the end of the year, since I have Ironman Texas in the first half, I need to find something for the second half.  If anyone is out there, any suggestions?

Yeah, Failing Again

So yeah.  I’m not updating like I was going to be, but that’s because of my failing.  I want to be out there doing something, yes, even running would be nice.  But right now I’m nursing a bad knee.  IBuprofen and ice are my friends for the next week or so (Merry Christmas to me!)

And it’s kind of a funky couple of weeks so trying to get any kind of consistent training in the pool is shot, so come beginning of January I will be hitting the pool hard and fast!

Stay tuned! I will be posting more soon!